Progress of My Understandings

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • C
  • C#(Unity)


Ugolino with Hatching Shader
Ugolino with Hatching Shader

My Recent Work on HLSL Shader(Unity)

Cross-hatching simulation had long been discussed in the history of Computer Graphics. Many researchers had suggested the better-look shading of hatching for a long period. In 2001, the new paper came out with its name called ‘Real-Time Hatching’ authored by Emil Praun, Hugues Hoppe, Matthew Webb, and Adam Finkelstein. They introduced how to render cross-hatching in real-time. The key point of their algorithm is using TAM which is short for Tonal Art Map. Prepare 6 textures of different kinds of pencil-strokes, and bind them into two textures. Since we can store data to RGB each, it shortens computations.
The picture shown on the left tells the result of their algorithm. I tested their method to see how accurate the hatching will be. The result is within satisfactory, however, there need to be more fixes to make it more realistic. Thus, that is my next work for this project.
As you can know from this topic, I am also some kind of shader artist and curious about rendering through a shader. Please feel free to see my repositories if you are interested.

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